(Title: It’s for her…) 

(Title: It’s for her…) 

I thought, “Take a leap, it will erase with time” but at the moment as it won’t matter anymore or it cannot interfere anymore but the wound is  hurting.. 

I know time cannot be reversed and that’s the best for me coz I cannot go back but why the tickling sound feels like a dejabu of the past? 

I wonder if it is only about me but why I am still feeling controlled? I wonder if it is just within me but why I am having a reflection of someone else in the mirror?? 

I know I should feel okay, in fact, should cherish the moment  but I cannot feel happy anymore with the ruthless pain  but for my way forward, you deserve to be informed to know how vulnerable you are? 

You are so vivid but I am not clear whose shadow is it? Yours or it’s inside me? 

I just know one thing  it’s so heavy that I am not growing.. 

The anger you showed, hadn’t I deserved to know more??  Or my utter has vanished within my chord that  is still left to be spoken? 

I had counted every second left to be at this moment but I never knew it would be again corrupted.. 

Is this true, what I am feeling should be the melody but that whispers are still echoing? 

But what was it about? I thought for me you were a thread that could help me to wear the clothes of brave? 

But the whisper again, did I left to tune that myself? Or it’s you who stopped in the fear it can be the song again? 

But, you forgot  that  I can write the lyrics with those left utters, with those left tune of whispers, and will make my own melody that can be heard forever.



Because there are many other threads………………….

Winning the title of “Best ambassador Award” in the global family!! 

Its been years I am involved in environmental works as a regional ambassador to Asian Pacific region and updating articles, news at Tunza Eco-Generegion.

I am very much greatful to share this wonderful news that I am selected as the most inspiring ambassador of my term, it wasnot possible with the well wishes and help I got from all of my well-wishers, I am very much thankful to them all.

Thank to to my parents, thank you to my siblings for love and support.

Thank you to my co-ambassador Sujan Adhikari for your kind help and I have a great faith on new ambassadors Prayash Pathak, Astha Lamsal, Dibya Lamsal and greatful for platform to Ex-ambassadors Bindu Bhandari, Rahul Acharya. 

  • मेरो वर्तमानता!! 

​(This poetry is about a Dreadful event that had crashed the Glass of Human patience when some Demoniac aristocratic boys raped a girl badly)
This poetry is solely Dedicated to her soul and all the girls throughout the world who have been in inhumane torture by the Beastful miscreants .
It is a rhythm that must have been divinely played inside the Unconsciousness of Her Mind when she was fighting for her life at Hospital . Though she couldn’t win over the Death but her Death was revolutionary in the sense all the Wretched Girlhood of the world whipped for Breakage of their potentiality to withstand  Politics of Unequality .
यतिखेर ,

मेरो प्राण

जन्म र मृत्युको बिचमा

पेण्डुलम झैं झुलि रहेको छ ……..
म भित्र

मेरै अनुहार बोकेका

हजारौं निर्दोश नारिहरु

कपाल फिजारेर

निला निला आँखा बोकेर दौडि रहेका छ्न् ।


अनुहार कालो बादलले ढाकेको आकाश जस्तो

डरलाग्दो छ ।

शरीर , रगतका छिट्टाहरुले

कुरुप देखिएको छ ।
उनिहरुको वस्त्र

कतै लुछिएको छ ।

कतै स्तन देखिने गरि च्यातिएको छ ।
ठूलो ठूलो आक्रान्त स्वरमा

भागि रहेछन् उनिहरु ।
र , उनिहरुलाइ पछाडीबाट

लखेटिरहेछ्न् ,

राक्षसका अनुहार बोकेका एक हूल

हिस्रक मानिसहरु ।
यतिखेर ,

म भित्रबाट पुरै मरिसकेको छु ।

मेरो अनुहार निस्तेज

कुनै निभेको बत्ती सरी निभिसकेको छ ।
मेरो हृदय

कतै प्रेम नै नअट्ने गरी छिया छिया भैसकेको छ ।
बाच्ने आकाक्षांहरु ,

मेरो अन्तर्पिडाको समुन्द्रमा डुबेर विलिन भैसकेका छ्न् ।
तर , म भित्र अझै केही जिउदो छ ।

म भित्र केही चलमलाइ रहेछ ।
युद्दको अन्त्य पछि

एउटा बाकी रहेको घाइते योद्दा जसरी

छ्ट्पटीरहेछ केही ।
हो !

सायद म भित्र अझै

एउटा विद्रोह जिउँदो छ ।
मेरो हल्का हल्का चलिरहेको सास

भयंकर हुरिको रुप लिन खोजिरहेछ ।
मेरो निस्कन नसकेको प्राण

सायद एउटा प्रलय पर्खिरहेछ ।
मेरो घाऊहरूले

क्षतविक्षत भएको आत्मा,

सायद अन्तिम पटक मृत्यु शैय्याबाट उठ्न खोज्दैछ ।

म भित्र मेरै हजार अनुहार बोकेका नारिहरु

टक्क अडिएका छ्न् ।
उनिहरु अकस्मात मिसिएर ,

केवल एउटा शरीर बनेका छ्न् ।
उनिहरुको एउटा शरीर

कालीजस्तो रौद्र देखिएको छ ।
त्यो रौद्र शरीरको हातमा

एउटा तीखो तलवार छ ।
यतिखेर ,

घडीमा समय टक्क अडिएको छ ।
र एक एक गरेर …

म तलवार प्रहार गर्दैछु

मलाइ लखेटीरहेका दैत्यहरुलाइ ।
मेरो तलवारले कसैको गर्द्दन च्वाट्टै छिनालेको छ । रक्त धारा बगेको छ  । कसैको खुट्टा , कसैको हात ,

यतिखेर म एक पछि अर्को दैत्यको

संहार गर्दैछु ।

अन्याय र अत्याचार विरुद्दको

एउटा संग्राम सिद्दाएर

म भित्र बाकिरहेको प्राण
तलवार भुइँमा झारेर ,

भुक्लुक्क भुइमा ढलेपछि …

बाबा आमा हजुरहरूको सपना पुरा गर्न सकिन,

समाजमा म एक सक्षम नारी भएर अडिन सकिन,

मलाई माफ गर्नुहोला ।

कृपया !
मेरो मृत्यु सगैँ

बालिने लाखौँ मैनहरु……

यो समाजका प्रत्येक दैत्यहरुको  चिता बनोस!!!

मेरो वर्तमानता!!!

My journey to Miss Leo Nepal 2017!! 

I am what I make myself!!

Life is not determined by the number of breaths we take but the moment that took our breath away! Yeah winning the World Eco-Hero Award 2016 with lots of support and courage was beyond my expectations which took me breath away but what’s the next????

The winning certificate was staring me day by day as action springs not from thoughts but from a readiness for responsibility! That RESPONSIBILITY on my shoulder was making me heavier and heavier on every step I forwarded.
I believe God paves the way to the dreamers I got my calling “Miss Leo Nepal 2017” I am very much thankful for my home club beliving on my strength and the organizer for picking a normal girl like me who belongs from a simple village and middle-class family. I was Paradised with the name itself “LEO” (leadership, Experience, and opportunity) which teaches me ‘What’s volunteerism means?” for me service gives satisfactions,

Because of me, someone may will get enough food to eat,

Because of me, someone may will get enough clothes to hide their sorrows,

Because of me, someone may will get enough medicine to live their life,

Because of me, someone may know at least there is someone in the world who takes care of them,

And this is my passion.

Being in Miss Leo I again did my continuity with Nature,  beauty with purpose title: Health and environment. https://youtu.be/HaCa9eyUxDs (please click the link for video) 

I am overwhelmed with the friend’s circle I got on Miss Leo family and the most I got to know “Who am I?”

As I always used to think my name isn’t enough to summarize,

Me and my positive soul inside.

Hope I would do my best on this journey too, to make a green and healthy living, I am very much pleased with all my well-wishers who are in finger crossed for the result.

I promise whether I would be with crown or not but I have already fixed my mind for it,  I run for accomplishment rather than the title which will surely come with lots of determination and encouragement.

Hoping for the best 🙂

Thank you all.